
The museum contains over 1,500 books and booklets, including histories at both a local and state level:

  • Connecticut Indians

  • Newspapers and where to find them in Connecticut

  • Family Genealogies

  • Identifying clothing, quilts, pewter and antiques

  • Register and Manual Connecticut - 1849, 1854, 1861, 1865, 1874,1889, 1892, 1894 - 1903, 1906 - 1920, 1922, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1929, 1935, 1945, 1952, 1955, 1970 - 1975, & 1977

  • Diaries

  • Life during Colonial Times

  • Local authors and illustrators

  • Local homes

  • Military Histories - Brookfield listings, plus State records of those from Connecticut that served in the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, War with Mexico, and the Civil War

  • School Books - 2001 Millers Antique Guide

  • Store ledgers

  • Miscellaneous items

Featured Books:

Litchfield County, Dated 1851

Connecticut Volunteers in the Civil War, Dated 1864

Life in Danbury by J. M. Bailey, Dated 1873

Fairfield Connecticut by D. Hamilton Hurd, Dated 1881

Connecticut Men in the War of revolution, Dated 1889

History of Danbury 1684, by J. M. Bailey, Dated 1896

Biographical record of Fairfield County by J. H. Beers Co. Dated 1899

History of Newtown by Johnson, Dated 1917

Tryon's Raid of April 1777 by James R. Case, Dated 1927

American Heritage Civil War Book, Dated 1960

Connecticut Attacked: A British Viewpoint, Tryon's Raid, Dated 1974

1703 to 1882 New Milford and Bridgewater by Orcutt

Child Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle

The Covered Bridge by Herbert Wheaton Congdon - Vermont

The Turnpikes of New England by Fredrick J. Wood. A new edition of the 1919 classic

Civil War Volunteer Sons of Connecticut by Blaikie Hines

Civil War Times – Several copies of this magazine

Diaries of Arthur Mansfield 1887, 1889, & 1902

Diary of Sarah Clark Joyce – 1920

My Reflections – Ethel Alaby Greene Anderson

Leavenworth Genealogy by E. W. Leavenworth

Families of Early Milford Connecticut – Complied by Susan Woodruff Abbott

Books about Southbury, Sherman, Roxbury and East Cornwall

Records of the Baptist Church (1846 to 1877) – This is an on going project of collecting items that deal with the church.

Quilt and Quiltmakers Covering Connecticut – The Connecticut Quilt Search Project

Quilts from the Civil War by Barbara Brackman

1880 Brookfield Census – Hard copy, with the entire 1880 census on CD

1790 Census of Fairfield & Litchfield Counties

Books and Information about Horace Clifford Westermann

Lost Diners and Roadside Restaurants of New England and New York by Will Anderson, Copyright 2001

The History of Underclothes by C. Willett and Phyllis Cunnington

Home Life in Colonial Days by Alice Morse Earle

Voices From the Past, A History as told by the New Milford Historical Society’s Portraits and Paintings

A People’s University: The Centennial History of Western Connecticut State University by Herbert F. Janick, PhD

The Newspapers 19th Century America by Leonard E. Fisher

A Lending Library of Civil War Material:

Sponsored by the Brookfield Museum & Historical Society

The Day Lincoln was Shot by Jim Bishop

Sherman, Fighting Prophet by Lloyd Lewis

None Died in Vain by Robert Leckie

Why The South Lost The War by Richard Beringer, Herman Hattaway,

Archer Jones, & William Still, Jr.

Landscape Turned Red, The Battle of Antietam by Stephen W. Sears

Chancellorsville by Stephen W. Sears

Civil War Soldiers, Their Expectations and Their Experiences by Reid Mitchell

Mathew Brady’s Illustrated History of the Civil War by Benson Lossing

More Civil War Curiosities by Webb Garrison

Civil War Trivia Quiz Book by Matt Silverman

Historical Maps of Civil War Battlefields by Michael Sharpe

The American Heritage Picture History of The Civil War, Volume One

The American Heritage Picture History of The Civil War, Volume Two

The Civil War, A Narrative – Fredericksburg to Meridian by Shelby Foote

Lincoln at Gettysburg by Garry Wills

Jefferson, A Revealing Biography by Page Smith

Lee by Clifford Dowdey

Campfire and Battlefields by Rossiter Johnson

The Commanders of the Civil War by William C. Davis

U.S. Grant Album by Lawrence A. Frost

Meet Mr. Lincoln by Richard Hanser and Donald B. Hyatt

Civil War Battles by Curt Johnson & Mark McLauhlin

The Photographic History of the Civil War, Forts and Artillery, The Navies by O. E. Hunt

The Civil War by Robert Paul Jordan

Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War, Vol. II by G. F. R. Henderson

Mississippi in the Confederacy, As They Saw It by John K. Bettersworth

Mississippi in the Confederacy, As Seen in Retrospect by James W. Silver

Lincoln’s Own Stories by Anthony Gross

A Treasury of Civil War Stories by Various American Writers

The Causes of the Civil War by Kenneth M. Stampp

Meet General Grant by W. E. Woodward

A Man Named Grant by Helen Todd

Campaigning With Grant by General Horace Porter

The Great Rebellion, Vol. I by J. T. Headley

Great Captain, Three Novels of Abraham Lincoln by Honore’ Morrow

Memoirs of a Volunteer, 1861 – 1863 by John Beatty (Ohio)

Lincoln’s Gadfly, Adam Gurowski by LeRoy Fischer

Abraham Lincoln, The Prairie Years and The War Years by Carl Sanburg

Abraham Lincoln by Benjamin P. Thomas

A True History of the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by Louis J. Weichmann

Lincoln the Unknown by Dale Carnegie

Lincoln and Men of War Times by A. K. McClure

The Life of Abraham Lincoln by Stefan Lorant

Lincoln’s Herndon by David Donald

Abraham Lincoln by James Daugherty

The Lincoln Reader by Paul M. Angle

Lincoln, The Liberal Statesman by J. G. Randall

They Knew Lincoln by John E. Washington

The Story – Life of Lincoln, Memorial Edition by Wayne Whipple

Slavery as a Cause of the Civil War by The Amherst College of American Studies

Robert E. Lee, The Man and the Soldier by Philip Van Doren Stern

Decision in the West, The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 by Albert Castel

The Photographic History of the Civil War, Armies and Leaders, The Cavalry, The Decisive Battles

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War by Ned Bradford (Paperback)

The Army of the Potomac: Mr. Lincoln’s Army by Bruce Catton

The Army of the Potomac: A Stillness at Appomattox by Bruce Catton

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War by Ned Bradford

Mountains Touched With Fire, Battle of Chattanooga by Wiley Sword

Life of Wm. Tecumseh Sherman by W. Fletcher Johnson

Civil War Commanders by T. J. Stiles

Civil War in Pictures by Fletcher Pratt

Decisive Battles of the Civil War by Lt. Col. Joseph B. Mitchell

Freedom, A Novel of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War by William Safire

House Undivided, The Story of Freemasonry and the Civil War by Allen Roberts

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas by Frederick Douglas

Time on the Cross, the Economics of American Negro Slavery by Robert Fogel & Stanley Engerman

The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson

Never Were Men So Brave, The Irish Brigade During The Civil War by Susan Provost Beller

A Pictorial History of The Civil War Years by Paul M. Angle

Centennial Album of the Civil War by Marvin H. Pakula

Ashes of Glory, Richmond at War by Ernest B. Furgurson

Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington

Ante Bellum by Hinton Rowan Helper and George Fitzhugh

Reconstruction After the Civil War by John Hope Franklin

History of the Civil War 1861 to 1865 by James Ford Rhodes

Picture History of the Civil War by Bruce Catton

Eye of the Storm by Private Robert Knox Sneden

Trial by Fire by Page Smith

The Blue and the Gray by Henry Steele Commager

Soldiers Blue and Gray by James I. Robinson, Jr.

Memoirs of Chaplain Life Edited by Lawrence Frederick Kohl

Battlefields of the Civil War by James V. Murfin

Gettysburg, The Paintings of Mort Kunstler, Text by James M. McPherson

The Civil War, An Interactive Package of Image and Text by Zigzag Multimedia

A Treasury of Civil War Tales by Webb Garrison

Look Away by Harold Coyle – A Novel

Children of Pride Edited by Robert Manson Meyers

Civil War Railroads by George B. Abdill

Train Running for the Confederacy by Walbrook D. Swank

Till Victory is Won, Black Soldiers in the Civil War by Zak Mettger

Stonewall Jackson and the American Civil War by G. F. R. Henderson

Abraham Lincoln the War Years Vol. III by Carl Sandburg

Abraham Lincoln, the War Years Vol. IV by Carl Sandburg

MAGGIE, Maggie Lindsley’s Journal – Privately Printed

The Battered Stars by Howard Coffin

George B. McClellan, The Young Napoleon by Stephen W. Sears

Jefferson Davis, The Man and His Hour by William C. Davis

The Painful News I Have to Write by Harlan Jessup

Fred and Jennie, a Civil War Love Story by Ernest Barker

Dear Mother From Your Dutiful Son by Ernest Barker

Memorabilia of the Civil War by William C. Davis

The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks

Lee’s Lieutenants, A Study in Command by Douglas S. Freeman

Grant Moves South by Bruce Catton

Grant Takes Command by Bruce Catton

The Civil War, A Time-Life Series

Brother Against Brother – The War Begins

First Blood – Fort Sumter to Bull Run

The Blockade – Runners and Raiders

The Road to Shiloh – Early Battles in the West

McClellen’s Peninsular Campaign – Forward to Richmond

Lee Takes Command – From Seven Days to Second Bull Run

Decoying the Yanks – Jackson’s Valley Campaign

The Struggle for Tennessee – Tupelo to Stones River

The Bloodiest Day – The Battle of Antietam

War on the Mississippi – Grant’s Vicksburg Campaign

Gettysburg – The Confederate High Tide

The Fight for Chattanooga – Chickamuga to Missionary Ridge

Battle for Atlanta – Sherman Moves East

The Coastal War – Chesapeake Bay to Rio Grande

Spies, Scouts and Raiders – Irregular Operations

Tenting Tonight – The Soldier’s Life

Confederate Ordeal – The Southern Home Front

Twenty million Yankees – The Northern Home Front

The Allan Nevins Series

Fruits of Manifest Destiny 1847 – 1852

A House Dividing – 1852 – 1857

Douglas, Buchanan, and Party Chaos - 1857 – 185

Prologue to Civil War – 1859 – 1861

The Improvised War - 1861 – 1862

War Becomes Revolution – 1862 – 1863

The Organized War – 1863 – 1864

The Organized War to Victory – 1864 - 1865